Research on the Construction of Party Regulations


Li Zhong, Research on the Construction of Party Regulations, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2015

Intra-Party regulations are important basis of Party governance as well as powerful safeguard for the construction of a socialist state under the rule of law. Strengthening the construction of intra-party regulations is a strategic task of China in the process of comprehensively implementing the rule of law, a basic guarantee for raising the level of scientific Party construction, and an important content of the strategy of advancing the modernization of the system and capability of state governance. This book, as a part of the National Think Tank book series, gives a concise introduction to the concept, classification, effect and role of intra-Party regulations in China, comprehensively analyzes the current situation of and existing problems in intra-Party regulations, and puts forward proposals on strengthening and improving intra-Party regulations. The author of this book holds that China should grasp the two keys to strengthening intra-Party regulations, namely improving the quality of intra-Party regulations and strengthening mechanisms for the implementation of intra-Party regulations, increase the effort to realize the objective of completing the construction of a comprehensive system of intra-Party regulations, while at the same time increasing the enforceability of intra-Party regulations, improving the mechanism for the adoption of intra-Party regulations, strengthening the publicity of and education on intra-Party regulations, and deepening the research on intra-Party regulations.