The Ecological Law Department of CASS Law Institute Co-organizes the Second Rule of Law Forum of Shanghai Cooperation Organization


The Second Rule of Law Forum of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, sponsored by Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, the Ecological Law Department of CASS Law Institute and other institutions, was successfully held in Shanghai on June 29, 2019. The forum, which took the rise of China and the change of international situation as its macro background, and the historical opportunities and challenges faced by the construction and development of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in a new era as its theme, was aimed at pooling the wisdom and consensus of experts and scholars on and making Chinese contribution to the construction of the rule of law of SCO.

The forum was attended by over 100 experts and scholars from CASS, China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality, the Higher People’s Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality and other universities, research institutions and government and judicial organs. At the forum, the participants carried out dialogues and discussions around such topics as the current situation and trend of development of the rule of law in SCO member states, anti-terrorism legislation and countermeasures against the crime of terrorism in the SCO region, and the construction of legal service mechanism and the facilitation of investment in SCO member states and reached the following consensuses: China should focus on the security needs of SCO and establish problem consciousness of SCO security cooperation, strengthen the dialogue and exchange among SCO member states in the field of construction of the rule of law, effectively enhance the legal services of SCO, fully grasp and understand the legal risks of foreign investment in the SCO region and carry out follow-up study on the legal systems of SCO member states.