Latest Book: Compilation of Written Judgments and Case Files in the Qing Dynasty


Compilation of Written Judgments and Case Files in the Qing Dynasty, Part I (consisting of fifty volumes), ISBN 978-7-5097-7363-5


Compilation of Written Judgments and Case Files in the Qing Dynasty, Part II (consisting of fifty volumes), ISBN 978-7-5201-4197-0

Yang Yifan (ed.), Compilation of Written Judgments and Case Files in the Qing Dynasty, Part I and Part II, , Beijing: Social Science Academy Press, May 2019, Hard Cover.

The Qing Dynasty was a period in which the Chinese traditional law was the most developed and the compilation of written judgments and case files cases became the most prevailing practice. Part I of this book includes 17 different kinds of rare written judgments and case files in the period from the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the Emperor Jiaqing’s Reign, including four hand-copied books. Part II of the book includes 27 rare written judgments and case files in the period between Emperor Jiaqing’s Reign to the end of the Qing Dynasty, including seven hand-copied books, and many unique copies collected by overseas libraries. This book provides very important historical materials for the research on the legal system in ancient China. It is also of great reference value to the current construction of the legal system in China.