The Seminar on the Measures for the Regulation of Online Transaction (Exposure Draft) Held at the Law School of Tongji University in Shanghai


The Seminar on the Measures for the Regulation of Online Transaction (Exposure Draft) was held at the Law School of Tongji University in Shanghai on May 19, 2019. The seminar was jointly sponsored by the Law School of Tongji University and Shanghai Research Base of Internet and Information Law Research Committee of China Law Society and attended by over 20 persons, including government officials from the market supervision departments in Shanghai, scholars from CASS Law Institute, Tongji University, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai University of Finance Economics, Shanghai University and other research institutions and universities and representatives of such internet enterprises as Alibaba, Pinduoduo, Meituan, and Eleme.

In the opening speech given at the seminar, Professor Zhou Hanhua, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Internet and Information Law Research Committee of China Law Society and Deputy Director of CASS Law Institute, introduced the background of the seminar, and pointed out that the Internet and Information Law Research Committee is endeavoring to create an interdisciplinary and inter-departmental exchange platform to promote discipline integration. He hoped that the seminar would provide some solutions to the problems in the Draft Measures.

At the seminar, presided over by Professor Zhou Hui, Deputy Secretary General of Internet and Information Law Research Committee of China Law Society, and Professor Yuan Xiuting, a professor at the Law School of Tongji University, the participants gave keynote speeches and carried out discussions around such topics as the legislative position of draft Measures, the relationship between the Draft Measures and the E-Commerce Law, an enterprise’s duty of information publication and data submission, regulation of personalized recommendation, regulation of new types of e-commerce; and the supplementation of the norms on the protection of intellectual property.