CPC decides to abolish 54 central Party regulations, normative documents


BEIJING, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has decided to abolish 54 central Party regulations and normative documents, a decision released by the committee said.

Another 56 will be annulled, with eight amended.

The release of the decision marked the conclusion of the second round of centralized clean-up of Party regulations and normative documents, which was launched in November last year.

A package of amendments to 14 central Party regulations related to the reform of Party and state institutions will also be made.

The CPC Central Committee urged that the execution of the regulations and normative documents to be abolished and annulled must be stopped with the release of the decision, while asking relevant central and state organs to ensure the quality and efficiency of the amendments.

The clean-up was significant to maintaining the unity and authority of Party regulations and policies, and accelerating the construction of a sound system of Party regulations, according to the decision.

Source: Xinhua, at: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-04/11/c_137968748.htm