Professor Xi Yuemin and Professor Zhao Lei Attend the Cross-Strait Seminar on Local Financial Rule of Law and Annual Conference of the Financial Law Research Committee of Shaanxi Law Society


The Cross-Strait Seminar on Local Financial Rule of Law and Annual Conference of the Financial Law Research Committee of Shaanxi Law Society, jointly sponsored by the Financial Law Research Committee of Shaanxi Law Society, the School of Economic Law of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, the Innovation Center for the Coordinated Construction of the Rule of Law in Shaanxi Province, and Beijing Huiheng Law Firm (Xi’an Office), were held in Northwest University of Political Science and Law in Xian City on November 204, 2018.

The conference and seminar were attended by over 200 experts, scholars, judges, lawyers as well as graduate students and doctoral candidates from various universities, research institutions, judicial organs, and law firms in Taiwan, the Mainland, and South Korea, including two researchers from CASS Law Institute:Professor Xi Yuemin, Head of the Economic Law Department, and Professor Zhao Lei, Deputy Head of the Commercial Law Department.

Professor Xi Yuemin gave a keynote speech at the conference in which he analyzed the issue of supervision over the client reserves of third party at the levels of ownership theory and practical application, examined the rules on the supervision over the investment of client reserves in China and, in light of foreign experiences, put forward suggestions on the adjustment of theserulesand on striking a balance between safety and efficiency. Professor Zhao Lei served as a commentator of keynote speeches at the second part of the seminar