Professor Zhou Hui Attends the 2018 Seminar on the Protection of Personal Information and Development of Digital Economy


The 2018 Seminar on the Protection of Personal Information and Development of Digital Economy was held in Beijing on November 6, 2018. The seminar, which took “the conflict between the protection of personal information and the development of digital economy and its resolution” as the theme, was sponsored by China Consumer Journal and attended by experts and scholars from relevant government organs, research institutions and enterprises. At the seminar, the participants gave speeches and carried out discussions on a number of topics relating to the theme of the seminar, including the promotion of digital economy through big data mining, the urgent need to protect personal information, striking a balance between the protection of personal information and the development of digital economy, and promoting coordinated development through the innovation of technology and regulatory means. Professor Zhou Hui, a research fellow at CASS Center for the Study of Cultural Law and Deputy Secretary General of Cyber and Information Law Research Committee of China Law Society, gave a speech at the seminar in which he pointed out that currently personal information has not been recognized as a right in any law in China and this situation needs to be changed in the future legislative work.