Commentary on General Principles of the Civil Law Published by Law Press China


Chen Su (ed.), Commentary on General Principles of the Civil Law, Beijing: Law Press China, 2017

General Principles of the Civil Law occupy a very important position in the civil law system in China, embody the results of the latest researches on civil law theory, and are important basis of the civil law practice in the country. In view of this fact, the Project Team on the Compilation of the Civil Code of CASS Law Institute decided to publish, in the form of a commentary, the observations, understandings and reflections on various issues of the civil law it has made or obtained in the process of participating in the adoption of the General Principles of the Civil Law, so as to help the Chinese people, especially the Chinese law circle, to better understand, abide by, and apply the General Principles of the Civil Law. The two-volume book makes article-by-article commentaries on the 206 articles in the General Principles of the Civil Law, with each of the commentaries containing the following content: historical origins; normative objectives; the meaning of the provision; allocation of the burden of proof; and other issues.