Professor Liu Ren Wen: The reasonable change should be appreciated


Public debates have followed almost all the strict legal stances taken by the authorities since 2011. Even after drunken driving was made a crime under the amended Criminal Law and Road Traffic Safety Law in 2013, a debate ensued. The point of debate this time is whether different levels of penalties should be imposed for drunken driving depending on the gravity of the offense.

Those opposed to themove insist that as long as a driver’s blood alcohol content is 80mg/100milliliter or above, he/ she should be booked for committing a crime. And people supporting themove say that despite the offending driver’s blood alcohol content being 80mg/100ml or above, if he/she is still “conscious” enough to drive safely, the case should be handled according to Article 13 of the Criminal Law, a proviso clausewhich could deduce that drivers could be exempt fromthe penalties set out for dangerous driving.

The pilot guideline issued by the Supreme People’s Court could be viewed as returning to judicial rationality. In fact,many countries, however they describe a crime, have adopted disposal approaches for decriminalization of offences, even though the articles that do not regulate penalty levels depending on the circumstances differ.

CHINADAILY Tuesday,May 23, 2017