Logics of Marxist Legal Science


Wang Yaohai, The Logics of Marxist Law Science, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2016

Abstract: The Marxist law science, as a basic school of law science in human history, was born in the proletarian revolution, has been continuously developing itself by absorbing new elements of social norms, and has crystallized into systems and logics for the realization of a stable social structure through law. Marxist law science has gone through a process of inheritance and Chinization in China, which is main socialist country in the world. During the period of revolution and dictatorship, Marxist law science, which has a strong Party character, has not been able to fully display its scientific nature and connotation. In the period of normal competition based on institutional high position, socialism has gradually moved from revolution to construction, and the rule of law has become its institutional attribute. As a representative of trend of development, Marxist law science must advance with times by absorbing Chinese elements and gradually develop itself from “Marxist legal thought” to “Marxist law science” and ultimately to “materialistic law science”.