Guan Yuying


      Guan Yuying, female, associate research fellow, Department of IPR, CASS Law Institute; Ph.D. in law; main fields of research: copyright law and related topics, such as protection of traditional knewledge and folk literature and art; industrial designs and trademarks; has visited Institute of Intellectual Property in Japan twice as specially invited international researcher; lead or participated in many provincial or ministerial level research projects and published many papers in Chinese and foreign legal academic journals; teaches copyright law, trademark law, and intellectual property law at the CASS Graduate School; has also organized many acdemic conferences sponsored by CASS Center for IPR Studies and IPR Research Committee of China Law Sciety.


2006: Ph.D. in Law, Law Faculty, CASS Graduate School, specialization: IPR;

1999: diploma of higher education, Law School, University of Montreal;

1997: Master of Law, Law School, Peking University

1990: Bachelor of Law, Law School, Peking University

      Work Experience

October 2006-now: researcher, Department of IPR, CASS Law Institute;

July 1997-September 2006: lecturer and associate professor, National Judges College;

      Main Publications:

1.Protection of Designs of Screen Image: A Comparative Study on chinese and Japanese Law, (IIP Bulletin, Japan), 2008;

2.Exploration of Issues relating to the System of Enforcement of IPR Law in China, in Researches on the Reform of IPR Law Enforcement in China, edited by CASS Center for IPR Studies, IPR Publishing House, 2008;

3.Protection of Folk Literature and Art from Perspective of IPR, Law Press China, 2006;

4.Issues of Protection of Folk Literature and Art Reflected in the "Daolang Phenomenon", (2005) 11 China Trademark;

5.Protection of Traditional Expression, (2004) 12 Journal of Korean Intellectual Property Review;

6.Coflects between Copyright and Trademark Right, (2004) 8 Intellectual Property Rights;

      Research Projects

August-December 2009: project leader, 'Infringement of Industrial Design and Remedies: Comparasion between Chinese and Japanese Systems' a project commissioned by Hitatchi Company in colleboration with IIP, Japan;

March 2009-March 2010: project leader, 'Investigation on the Use and Protection of Geographical Indications', a project funded by CASS

October 2007-February 2008: 'Protection of Designs of Screen Image: A Comparative Study on chinese and Japanese Law', a project commissioned by IIP and Japanese Patent Office;

August 2007-December 2008: project leader, 'Research on Issues relating to the Protection of Industrial Design' a project funded by CASS;

January 2007-April 2008: project leader, 'Mechanism for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage', a project commissioned by the Ministry of Justice;

April-December 2006: project leader, 'Protection of Special Rights relating to Folk Literature and Art: a sub-project of "National Copyright Stretegy"', a project funded by the Office of National Copyright Strategy.