Zhou Hanhua

Zhou Hanhua

    I. Education and Work Experience

1996-2000  Ph.D. Candidate, CASS Graduate School;

1986-1989  Masters Student, CASS Graduate School;

1982-1986  Undergraduate Student, Law School of Wuhan University;

2002-        Research Fellow and Head of Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, CASS Law Institute;

1997-2002  Associate Research Fellow and Director of Public Law Research Center, CASS Law Institute;

1989-1997  Assistant Research Fellow, CASS Law Institute;

Sept.- Nov. 2000  Visiting Scholar, Yale Law School;

Jun-Dec. 1998  Visiting Scholar, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights;

1997-1999  Lawyer, Jun He Law Office;

1993-1995  Visiting Scholar, Law School of Michigan University.

    II. Main Research Projects

1.Project Leader, 'Studies on the Judicialization of the Administrative Reconsideration System in China', a project funded by the Ford Foundation;

2.'Studies on the Information Society and Information Disclosure System in China', a project funded by Norwegian Institute of Human Rights;

3.Project Leader, 'Regulations of PRC on Disclosure of Government Information: Draft, Explanation, and Legislative Pattern', a project commissioned by Information Office under the State Council;

4.Project Leader, 'Studies on the Reform of the Administrative Approval System in the Tobacco Industry', commissioned by State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau;

5.Project Leader, 'Framework Design of the E-Government Plan for Pudong New District', commissioned by the People's Government of Pudong New District of Shanghai Municipality. The final result: Government in Transition: Report on Institutional Innovation of the Government of Pudong New District of Shanghai Municipality, was published by Chinese Academy of Administration Press in 2002;

6.Participant, 'Studies on the Reform of the System of Government Supervision over Infrastructure Industry in China', commissioned by Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council;

7.Participant, 'Studies on the Electricity Regulation System', a project sponsored by the Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council and Asian Development Bank;

8.Domestic Expert Consultant, 'A No.3931-PRC/Establishing the National Electricity Regulatory Commission', a Technical Assistant Project Asian Development Bank (Oct. 2002-June 2003);

9.Participant, 'Experimental Plan for the Establishment of Branch Organizations of Electricity Regulation', a project sponsored by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission;

10.Participant, 'Studies on the System of Constitutional Supervision in China', a project funded by the Ford Foundation;

11.Participant, 'Studies on the Establishment of a Socialist Legal System with Chinese Characteristics', a project of the CASS Institute;

12.Participant, International Task Force on Transparency, sponsored by the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. The Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD), headed by economist Joseph Stiglitz, is a global network of social scientists working together to help developing and transition countries explore policy alternatives.

    III. Main Practical Activities

1.Member of 'Expert Consultation Committee on State Informatisation', engaged by Leading Group of State Informatization'; winner of Award for Outstanding Contribution in Expert Consultation on State Informatization in the Year 2002', awarded by the Office of Informatization of the State Council;

2.Member of Expert Consultation Group on the Reform of Administrative Examination and Approval System', engaged by the Office of Leading Group on the Reform of the System of Administrative Examination and Approval of the State Council;

3.Member of the Drafting Group on Administrative Licensing Law, engaged by the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council;

4.Vice Chairman, Research Committee on Information Law, China Law Society;

5.Member of Expert Consultation Committee on Government Pricing Work, engaged by State Planning Commission and China Price Association;

6.Member, Expert Consultation Committee on the Drafting of Telecommunication Law', engaged by the Ministry of Information Industry;

7.Member of Committee on Telecommunication Science and Technology of the Ministry of Information Industry;

8.Member of Expert Consultation Group on the Revision of the Railroad Law of the Ministry of Railway;

9.Member of Expert Consultation Group on Trade and Competition Policy in the New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiation (Doha Development Agenda), the Bureau of TWO of the Ministry of Commerce;

10.Consultant on the Construction of the Secrecy Law engaged by National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets

11.Expert Group on the Revision of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, engaged by the Maritime Safety Administration;

12.Member of the Expert Consultation Committee of the Municipal Government of Shijiazhuang City;

13.Gust Research Fellow, Public Law Research Center of Peking University