Commentary on General Principles of the Civil Code


Chen Su (ed.), Commentary on General Principles of the Civil Code, Beijing: Law Press China, 2017

This two-volume book represents the latest achievements of the researches on civil legislation in China. It is written and edited by prominent scholars and experts who have participated in the drafting of the General Principles of the Chinese Civil Code, including Professor Xiang Huixing, Professor Sun Xianzhong, and Professor Chen Su of the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It gives an in-depth and systematic interpretation of the General Principles of the Chinese Civil Code by making an article-by-article commentary of all the 206 articles in this piece of legislation. The book adopts a brand new style and structure of commentary of law, with the commentary on each article consists of the following parts: historical origin, normative objectives, connotation, distribution of the burden of proof, and other related issues. The book draws on different modes of commentary of laws in major countries of the world and integrates the academic and practical aspects of the commentary, thereby realizing a qualitative leap in the mode of commentary of law in China.