The Book “Appearance of Criminal Law in the Internet Age” Published in Beijing


Recently, a new book in the field of criminal law, entitled Appearance of Criminal Law in the Internet Age, was published in Beijing. The book was edited by Professor Liu Renwen, Head of the Criminal Law Department of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and published by Social Sciences Academic Press.

In the internet age, everyone is in the cyberspace and surround by such cyber crimes as telecommunication fraud, cyber-terrorism, and cyber financial crimes. In response to this new development, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted on August 29, 2015 the Ninth Amendment to the Chinese Criminal Law, which provides for such new crimes as refusal to perform the information network security management obligation, illegal use of information network, and assisting others in the commission of cyber crimes. On June 18-19, 2016, the Academic Seminar on Frontier Issues of Criminal Legislation and Criminal Justice on Cyber Crimes, organized by the Criminal Law Department of Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Science, was held in Beijing.

This book is a collection of papers submitted to seminar. It consists of seven chapters and discusses numerous frontier issues of criminal law in the Internet age around the following topics: the challenges posed by cyber crime to the traditional criminal law; the latest legislation on cyber crimes; frontier theories on the legislation on cyber crimes; the crime of cyber terrorism; cyber financial crimes; other new types of cyber crime; and the international perspective of cyber crime and related issues.