Professor Zhou Hanhua Interviewed by the Journal of CASS on the Prevention and Control of Academic Misconduct


“Academic research is the basis of the ideological and cultural construction in a country.” It directly or indirectly provides ideas and wisdoms for the development of a country. Advocating academic honesty and opposing academic misconduct is the basic way of promoting academic research. On April 13, 2016, the Ministry of Education published on its website the Draft Measures for the Preventing and Dealing with Academic Misconducts (the Draft Measures) to solicit public opinions. Recently the Journal of CASS interviewed a number of legal experts and scholars, including Professor Zhou Hanhua, a research fellow at CASS Law Institute, on the significance of the Draft Measures. In the interviews, the experts believed that the Draft Measures are a major step taken by Chinese government to purify academic atmosphere and prevent the “bubbalization” of academic research. Professor Zhou Hanhua pointed out that the Measures provide for various procedures, including the procedure for the application for reconsideration, for dealing with reports of academic misconduct. The reconsideration procedure serves to avoid unjust cases and embodies the respect for and protection of scholars; a fundamental solution to the problem of academic misconduct is to reform the academic assessment system, establish sound assessment criteria incentive mechanism, create a atmosphere conductive to innovation, and give researchers greater autonomy; another mechanism for preventing academic misconduct is self-discipline by researchers. One of the important manifestations of self-discipline is the pursuit of academic innovation. China should cultivate the atmosphere of respecting knowledge, academic innovation, and academic honesty in colleges, universities and research institutions, and encourage researchers, administrative personnel and students to strictly abide by academic standards.