Professor Mo Jihong: the rule-of-law thinking should be embodied in all fields of legislation


Since late April 2016, the newly adopted National Security Law, the proposed law on nation-wide reading drive, and the Seventh Five-year Plan for the Dissemination of Law have become hot topics in China. Recently Professor Mo Jihong, Deputy Director of CASS Law Institute, gave authoritative explanations to the above-mentioned issues from the legislative perspective in an interview by the newspapers Legal Daily. The followings are the main points Professor Mo’s opinions: expert legislation and democratic legislation are complementary to each other; China should establish a complete and comprehensive legislative system to embody the rule-of-law thinking in all fields of legislation; making laws in accordance with Constitution is the starting point of ruling the country by constitution; the National Security Law has expanded the scope of not only national security, but also subjects of legal responsibility for upholding national security, and laid the legal foundation for the upholding of national security by the whole people; the legislation on the promotion of reading by the whole people is aimed not at forcing people to read, but providing policy guidance, requiring the government to create conditions conducive to reading, increasing the public awareness of reading, so as to realize the objective of the nation-wide reading drive; in order to ensure that the law is universally respect, leading cadres must take the lead to study the law and in order to raise the efficiency of and establish the responsibility for the popularization of law, it is necessary to strengthen the assessment mechanism for the work of popularization of law. Relevant laws and regulations should be adopted when the time is ripe.