All under Heaven will return to Humanity: a Study on the Confucian Ideas of Law


Su Yigong, All under Heaven will return to Humanity: a Study on the Confucian Ideas of Law, Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2015.

This book is a collection of 23 articles and speeches by the author published since 2002 and embodies in a concentrated way the results of the author’s research on Confucian legal ideas. In the book, the author discusses the Confucianization of traditional Chinese law, the principle of good faith and Chinese ethics, Confucian thoughts and judicial justice, and the cultural origins of the ideas of “harmony” and “struggle”, puts forward his own opinions on such issues as the contexts of law and morality, the commonalities between Chinese and western legal cultures, the Tang Code and the Summaries of Imperial Collection of Four Divisions. The author’s views expressed in this book are of positive significance and high academic value to the deepening of researches in various areas of social and legal study, including Chinese legal history, the history of social development, the comparison between Chinese and western legal cultures, basic legal theory, and the development of socialist legal thought with Chinese characteristics.